Updates on the Austrian packaging market


The new Austrian Waste Management Act ("Abfallwirtschaftsgesetz" - AWG) came into force on December 15th, 2021. The amendment to the Austrian Packaging Ordinance ("Verpackungsverordnungs-Novelle") also followed and was published on 29.12.2021.

Some of the main features introduced by the new Waste Management Act are as follows:

  • The introduction of mandatory labelling for certain single-use plastic products: cups, tobacco products, wet wipes, and feminine hygiene products.
  • The ban on the introduction to the market of, among others, the following single-use plastic products: cotton swabs, cutlery, plates, straws, stirrers, balloon sticks, beverage containers and expanded polystyrene cups.
  • The introduction of measures to reduce the number of single-use plastic packaging placed on the market, with the aim of reducing this category of packaging by 20% by 2025, and to promote reusable packaging, especially for beverages.
  • The charging of a deposit from 2025, for one-way plastic beverage bottles and cans. Glass bottles are not concerned.

This law can be accessed on the following link: AWG-Novelle Kreislaufwirtschaftspaket

Below you will also find an overview of the most important changes introduced by the amendment to the Austrian Packaging Ordinance:

  • As of January 1, 2023, the obligation to appoint an authorized representative applies to companies based in another EU member state placing packaging on the Austrian market.
    The mail order business is also affected by this.
    However, if the foreign company wishes to continue to assume the obligation on behalf of its distributor, this remains possible, but the former must appoint an authorized representative. 
  • Implement the following targets to transpose the EU Single-Use Plastic Directive: from July 3rd, 2024, single-use plastic beverage containers must include a cap and lid attached to the container, and single-use PET beverage bottles must be made of at least 25% recycled plastic. From 2030, this will increase to 30% and apply to all single-use plastic bottles.
  • From January 1st, 2030, only packaging made of reusable or recyclable plastic may be placed on the market in Austria.

You can refer to the law on the following link: Verpackungsverordnungs-Novelle 2021